Path:okDatasheet > Catalog Datasheet > ADI Datasheet > ADI-1
270 ADP3179JRU ADG417BN AD7247ABR 1B32 AD7394 AD7845BR OP37AZ ADG608 AD797AR AD744 ADP1109AAR-5 ADG413 AD7572AJN10 SSM2017 REF01CP AD7714ARS-5 AD7672UE05 AD7891BP-1 ADM691A AD1385TD AD7845KR AD7225 AD9300KQ AD7862AR-2 AD7391ARU-REEL OP777 AD8054ARU
Nome do ítem | Fabricante | Aplicativo |
ADG431BN | ADI | "44V; 30-100mA; 470mW; LC2MOS precision quad SPST switch. For audio and video switching, automatic test equipment, precision data acquisition" |
AD9223AR | ADI | Complete 12-bit 1.5/3.0/10.0 MSPS monolithic converter |
OP270 | ADI | Dual Very Low Noise Precision Operational Amplifier |
ADP3179JRU | ADI | 0.3-15V; 4-bit programmable synchronous buck controller. For core supple voltage generation for intel pentium III and intel celeron |
ADG417BN | ADI | "44V; 400mW; LCMOS precision mini-DIP analog switch. For precision test equipment, precision instrumentation" |
AD7247ABR | ADI | Dual 12-bit DACPORTs |
1B32 | ADI | Bridge Transducer Signal Conditioner |
AD7394 | ADI | "+3/+5V Dual, Serial-Input 12-Bit DAC" |
AD7845BR | ADI | "0.3-17V; 650mW; LC2MOS complete 12-bit multiplying DAC. For automatic test equipment, digital attenuators, programmable power supplies" |
OP37AZ | ADI | "22V; 25mA; low-noise, precision, high-speed operational amplifier" |
ADG608 | ADI | "3V/5V, 22 Ohm, 8 Channel Multiplexer in TSSOP" |
AD797AR | ADI | "18V; ultralow distortion, ultralow noise Op Amp. For professional audio preamplifiers, IR,CCD and sonar imaging systems, spectrum analyzres" |
AD744 | ADI | "Precision, 500 ns Settling BiFET Op Amp" |
ADP1109AAR-5 | ADI | Micropower low cost fixed 5.0V DC-to-DC converter |
ADG413 | ADI | "25 Ohm, Quad SPST (2NO/2NC) Switches (DG413 replacement)" |
AD7572AJN10 | ADI | "-0.3 to +7V; 1000mW; LC2MOS complete, high speed, 12-bit ADC" |
SSM2017 | ADI | Self-Contained Audio Preamplifier |
REF01CP | ADI | 10 V precision voltage reference |
AD7714ARS-5 | ADI | "0.3-7V; 450mW; CMOS, 500uA, signal conditioning ADC. For poratble industrial intruments, portable weigh scales" |
AD7672UE05 | ADI | -0.3 to +7V; 1000mW; LC2MOS high-speed 12-bit ADC |
AD7891BP-1 | ADI | "0.3-7V; 450mW; LC2MOS 8-channel, 12-bit high speed, data acquisition system. For data acquisition systems, motor control, mobile communication base stations, instrumenatation" |
ADM691A | ADI | Microprocessor Supervisory Circuit |
AD1385TD | ADI | 16-Bit 500 kHz wide temperature range sampling ADC |
AD7845KR | ADI | "0.3-17V; 650mW; LC2MOS complete 12-bit multiplying DAC. For automatic test equipment, digital attenuators, programmable power supplies" |
AD7225 | ADI | LC2MOS Quad 8-Bit DAC with Separate Reference Inputs |
AD9300KQ | ADI | "16V; 6.0mA; 4 x 1 wideband video multiplexer. For video routing, medical imaging, electro optics, ECM and radar systems" |
AD7862AR-2 | ADI | "0.3-7V; 450-670mW; simultaneous sampling dual 250kSPS 12-bit ADC. For AC motor control, uninterrupted power supplies, data acquisition systems, communications" |
AD7391ARU-REEL | ADI | 0.3-8V; 50mA; serial-input micropower 10-bit and 12-bit DAC |
OP777 | ADI | Precision Single Rail-to-Rail Output Single Supply Amplifier |
AD8054ARU | ADI | "12.6V; low cost, high speed, rail-to-rail amplifier. For coax cable driver, active filter, video switches, video switches, A/D driver" |