Path:okDatasheet > Catalog Datasheet > ADI Datasheet > ADI-172

DG406 AD7714AR-3 ADR293GRU-REEL7 SMP18FP AD7244JR ADV7127JR240 ADADC84-10 1B51 AD7512DISQ ADDAC85C-CCD-V AD760 AD746 AD637BR AD7306AR ADSP-2181BST-115 AD8802AR AD626AR ADP3811 AD8314 ADG513BR ADP1111AR-3.3 AD7711 REF193GS AD9220SSOPEB AD5532 AD536ASCHIPS ADP3301AR-3 ADM560

ADI Datasheets Catálogo-172

Nome do ítemFabricanteAplicativo
AD8180-EB ADI12.6V; 0.9-1.6W; 750MHz, 3.8mA 10ns switching multiplexer. For pixel switching for picture-in-picture
AD7575TQ ADI-0.3 to +7.0V; 450mW; LC2MOS 8-bit ADC with track/hold
ADG406 ADI16-Channel High Performance Analog Multiplexer (DG406 Replacement)
AD7714AR-3 ADI0.3-7V; 450mW; CMOS, 500uA, signal conditioning ADC. For poratble industrial intruments, portable weigh scales
ADR293GRU-REEL7 ADI18V; low noise micropower precision voltage reference. For portable instrumnetation, precision reference for 5V systems, A/D and D/A converter reference
SMP18FP ADI0.3-17V; 20mA; octal sample-and-hold with miltiplexed input. For multiple path timing deskew foe ATE, memory programmers, mass flow/process control systems
AD7244JR ADI-0.3, +7V; 550mW; LC2MOS dual, complete, 12-bit serial DAC
ADV7127JR240 ADI7V; CMOS, 240MHz 10-bit high speed video DAC
ADADC84-10 ADIFast complete, 12-bit A/D converter
1B51 ADIIsolated mV/Thermocouple Signal Conditioner
AD7512DISQ ADI25V; DI CMOS protected analog switches
ADDAC85C-CCD-V ADI+-12V power supply; 300mW; complete low cost 12-bit A/D converter
AD760 ADI16/18-Bit Self-Calibrating Serial/Byte DACPORT
AD746 ADIDual Precision, 500 ns Settling, BiFET Op Amp
AD637BR ADI500V; 108mW; high precision, wideband true RMS-to-DC converter
AD7306AR ADI+7V; 650mW; RS-232/RS-422 transceiver. For DTE-DCE interface, packet switching, lokal area networks
ADSP-2181BST-115 ADI0.3-7V; DSP microcomputer
AD8802AR ADI0.3-8V; 0.9-1.3W; 12-channel, 8-bit trimDAC with power shutdown. For automatic adjustment, trimmer replacement
AD626AR ADI+-36V; inputVup to 60V; low cost, single supply differential amplifier. For current sensing
ADP3811 ADISecondary Side, Off-Line Battery Charger Controllers Programmable
AD8314 ADI2.5 GHz, 45 dB Logarithmic Detector
ADG513BR ADI44V; 30-100mA; CMOS precision quad SPST switch. For battery-powered intruments, single supply systems, remote powered equipment, 5V supply systems
ADP1111AR-3.3 ADI36V; 500mW; micropower, step-up/step-down SW regulator. For 3V to 5V, 5V to 12V step-up converters, 9-5V, 12-5V step-down converters, lap-top and palmtop computers
AD7711 ADICMOS, 24-Bit Sigma-Delta, Signal Conditioning ADC with Matched RTD Excitation Currents
REF193GS ADI0.3-18V; precision micropower, low dropout, voltage reference. For portable instrumentation, A-to-D and D-to-A converters, smart sensors
AD9220SSOPEB ADIComplete 12-bit 1.5/3.0/10.0 MSPS monolithic converter
AD5532 ADI32-Channel Voltage Translation Function With an Infinite or Droopless Output Hold Capability
AD536ASCHIPS ADI18V; 500mW; integrated circuit true RMS-to-DC converter
ADP3301AR-3 ADIOutputV 3V; high accuracy anyCAP 100mA low dropout linear regulator. For cellular telephones; notebook, palmtop computers; battery powered systems and portable instruments
ADM560 ADIUltralow Power, +3.3V, RS-232 Notebook PC Serial Port Drivers/Receivers

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