Path:okDatasheet > Catalog Datasheet > Allegro Datasheet > Allegro-2

80LUA-TL A3518SUA-TL A6810EEP A3054SU-18 UDK2559LB UDN2983A A8405SLH-40 ULS-2815R A3283LLT UCN5801EP A8230SLH A3361EUA UDN2916LB ULS-2805H STRS6707 A3054SU-12 UDN2955W-2 A3144LUA A6B595KLW A3054SU-09 A3054KU-23 A3281LLH UGN3175UA A3952SW A3143ELT A8188SLT-31 ULN2803LW ATS640JCB

Allegro Datasheets Catálogo-2

Nome do ítemFabricanteAplicativo
A5358CA AllegroPhotoelectric smoke detector with interconnect and timer
A2918EWV AllegroDual full-bridge PWM motor driver
A3280LUA-TL AllegroChopper-stabilized,precision hall-effect latch
A3518SUA-TL AllegroRatiometric,linear hall-effect sensor for high-temperature operation
A6810EEP AllegroDABic-IV,10-Bit serial-input,latched source driver
A3054SU-18 AllegroMultiplexed two-wire hall-effect sensor ICs
UDK2559LB AllegroProtected quad power driver
UDN2983A Allegro8-channel source drivers
A8405SLH-40 AllegroLow-dropout regulator
ULS-2815R AllegroHigh-voltage, high-current darlington array
A3283LLT AllegroChopper-stabilized,precision hall-effect latch
UCN5801EP AllegroBiMOS II latched driver
A8230SLH AllegroLow-dropout regulator
A3361EUA Allegro2-WIRE,chopper-stabilized,hall-effect latch switch
UDN2916LB AllegroDual full-bridge PWM motor driver
ULS-2805H AllegroHigh-voltage, high-current darlington array
STRS6707 AllegroOff-line switching regulator
A3054SU-12 AllegroMultiplexed two-wire hall-effect sensor ICs
UDN2955W-2 AllegroHigh-current half-bridge power driver
A3144LUA AllegroSensitive hall-effect switche for high-temperature operation
A6B595KLW Allegro8-Bit serial-input,DMOS power driver
A3054SU-09 AllegroMultiplexed two-wire hall-effect sensor ICs
A3054KU-23 AllegroMultiplexed two-wire hall-effect sensor ICs
A3281LLH AllegroChopper-stabilized,precision hall-effect latch
UGN3175UA AllegroHall-effect latche
A3952SW AllegroFull-bridge PWM motor driver
A3143ELT AllegroSensitive hall-effect switche for high-temperature operation
A8188SLT-31 AllegroLow-dropout regulator
ULN2803LW AllegroHigh-voltage, high-current darlington arrays
ATS640JCB AllegroTrue zero-speed,self-calubrating,differetial hall-effect gear-tooth sensor for two-wire application

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