Path:okDatasheet > Catalog Datasheet > Diotec Datasheet > Diotec-1
KE24 BZW06-9V4 DAF811A/K SM4007 SM516Q B80C7000-4000 1N1188 1.5KE11A 1N5378B DA814A/K ZY22 ZMM1 DBI25-12 1N5381B KBPC3514F/W FR1J BY399 RGP30M KBPC5012F 1.5KE13 BZW04-8V5 FE3B PB1010/S ZY3.9 P4KE170 DBI6-005 1N5364B RA258 BZW04-111
Nome do ítem | Fabricante | Aplicativo |
P4KE22 | Diotec | Transient voltage suppressor diode |
1.5KE220A | Diotec | Unidirectional and bidirectional transient voltage suppressor diode |
1.5KE24 | Diotec | Unidirectional and bidirectional transient voltage suppressor diode |
BZW06-9V4 | Diotec | Transient voltage suppressor diode |
DAF811A/K | Diotec | Fast switching rectifier array |
SM4007 | Diotec | Surface mount Si rectifier |
SM516Q | Diotec | Surface mount Si rectifier |
B80C7000-4000 | Diotec | Silicon bridge rectifier |
1N1188 | Diotec | Silicon power rectifier |
1.5KE11A | Diotec | Unidirectional and bidirectional transient voltage suppressor diode |
1N5378B | Diotec | Silicon power Z-diode |
DA814A/K | Diotec | Rectifier arrays |
ZY22 | Diotec | Silicon power Z-diode |
ZMM1 | Diotec | Surface mount silicon-Z-diode |
DBI25-12 | Diotec | 3-phase Si bridge rectifier |
1N5381B | Diotec | Silicon power Z-diode |
KBPC3514F/W | Diotec | Silicon bridge rectifier |
FR1J | Diotec | Fast switching surface mount Si rectifier |
BY399 RGP30M | Diotec | Fast silicon rectifier |
KBPC5012F | Diotec | Silicon bridge rectifier |
1.5KE13 | Diotec | Unidirectional and bidirectional transient voltage suppressor diode |
BZW04-8V5 | Diotec | Transient voltage suppressor diode |
FE3B | Diotec | Super fast silicon rectifier |
PB1010/S | Diotec | Silicon bridge rectifier |
ZY3.9 | Diotec | Silicon power Z-diode |
P4KE170 | Diotec | Transient voltage suppressor diode |
DBI6-005 | Diotec | 3-phase Si bridge rectifier |
1N5364B | Diotec | Silicon power Z-diode |
RA258 | Diotec | Silicon rectifier button-cell |
BZW04-111 | Diotec | Transient voltage suppressor diode |