Path:okDatasheet > Catalog Datasheet > Infineon Datasheet > Infineon-104

S-70 BAS125-06 BAR65-02W HD1133R SFH314-3 BC818-40 LSGT671-K LG5469-G BCR185 TLE4276V HYB3116160BST-70 HYM721000GS-70 SAB-C517A-4R24M BAT240A SLE24C08-S/P LYM776-P LP3340-KM BAT62 BFS480 LG5460-J LP3340-JL IL223A LYK376-T LOA676-R SFH305-3 KPY55AK SAB83C166W-5M LO3336-RU LUH371-G

Infineon Datasheets Catálogo-104

Nome do ítemFabricanteAplicativo
LPK382-PS InfineonPure green 3mm LED
HYM321160GS-70 Infineon1M x 32bit DRAM Module
BAS125-06 InfineonSilicon low leakage diode
BAR65-02W InfineonSilicon RF switching diode
HD1133R InfineonSeven segment display
SFH314-3 InfineonSilicon NPN phototransistor
BC818-40 InfineonNPN silicon AF transistor
LSGT671-K InfineonSuper-red/green multi TOPLED
LG5469-G Infineon5mm green LED
BCR185 InfineonPNP silicon digital transistor
TLE4276V InfineonLow-drop voltage regulator
HYB3116160BST-70 Infineon1M x 16bit EDO-DRAM
HYM721000GS-70 Infineon1M x 72bit DRAM module
SAB-C517A-4R24M Infineon8-bit CMOS microcontroller with mask programmable ROM
BAT240A InfineonSilicon schottky diode
SLE24C08-S/P Infineon8 Kbit (1024 x 8bit) Serial CMOS-EEPROM with I2C Synchronous 2-wire bus and page protection mode
LYM776-P InfineonYellow mini TOPLED
LP3340-KM InfineonPure green LED
BAT62 InfineonSilicon schottky diode
BFS480 InfineonNPN silicon RF transistor
LG5460-J Infineon5mm green LED
LP3340-JL InfineonPure green LED
IL223A InfineonPhototransistor optocoupler
LYK376-T InfineonYellow 3mm LED
LOA676-R InfineonOrange SIDELED
SFH305-3 InfineonMini-silicon NPN phototransistor
KPY55AK InfineonSilicon piezoresistive absolute pressure sensor
SAB83C166W-5M Infineon16-bit microcontroller (1KByte RAM and 32 KByte ROM)
LO3336-RU InfineonOrange LED
LUH371-GK InfineonSuper-red/green 5mm symbol MULTILED

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