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Palavra-chave: Mosel Vitelic Datasheet, Mosel Vitelic Data, Mosel Vitelic Data Sheet, Mosel Vitelic
Path:OKDatasheet > Catalog Datasheet > Mosel Vitelic Datasheet
Palavra-chave: Mosel Vitelic Datasheet, Mosel Vitelic Data, Mosel Vitelic Data Sheet, Mosel Vitelic
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Mosel Vitelic site oficial
Nome do ítem | Aplicativo |
V62C5181024L-45WI | 128K x 8 CMOS static RAM, 45ns, low power |
MSU2051C40 | 40 MHz 4 KB internal ROM MCU |
V54C3256164VBUC7PC | 256Mbit (16M x 16) SDRAM, LVTTL, ultra low power, 7ns |
V62C1804096LL-100TI | 512K x 8 CMOS static RAM |
MSU2953C40 | 40 MHZ 8 KB internal memory MCU, on-line down-loadable |
V62C318256LL-85TI | 2.7K 32K x 8 static RAM |
V29C51002T-55T | 2megabit (262,144 x 8bit) 5V CMOS flash memory |
V62C2802048L-100V | Ultra low power 256K x 8 CMOS static RAM |
MSU2953C16 | 16 MHZ 8 KB internal memory MCU, on-line down-loadable |
MSU2964C25 | 25 MHZ 64 KB internal memory MCU |
V53C806HK50 | High performance 1M x 8bit fast page mode CMOS dynamic RAM |
V53C8258HT40 | 40ns; high performance 256K x 8 EDO page mode CMOS dynamic RAM, TTL interface |
V62C3162048LL-70B | Ultra low power 128K x 16 CMOS static RAM |
V436616Y24VXTG-10PC | 3.3V 16M x 64 high performance SDRAM unbuffered SODIMM |
MS7201-50NC | 50ns; 256 x 9, 512 x9, 1K x 9 CMOS FIFO |
V62C518256L-70FI | 32K x 8 static RAM |
V53C8258HK45 | 45ns; high performance 256K x 8 EDO page mode CMOS dynamic RAM, TTL interface |
V4374128C24VSG-10PC | 1GB registered PLL ECC SDRAM DIMM 3.3V 128M x 72 |
V827332N04SXTL-B1 | 2.5V 32M x 72 high performance unbuffered ECC DDR SDRAM module |
V437464Q24VXTG-75PC | 3.3V 64M x 72 high performance unbuffered ECC SDRAM module |
V436664S24VXTG-75 | 3.3V 64M x 64 high performance unbuffered SDRAM module |
MSU001 | 2.4-6V 20 voice SMART |
V53C832LQ30 | High performance 3.3V 256K x 32 EDO page mode CMOS dynamic RAM |
V62C2162048L-35T | Ultra low power 128K x 16 CMOS static RAM |
V53C8128HK50 | Ultra-high performance 128K x 8bit fast page mode CMOS dynamic RAM |
V43648Y04VCTG-10PC | 3.3V 8M x 64 high performance 100MHz unbuffered SODIMM |
V53C8128HK50 | Ultra-high performance 128K x 8bit fast page mode CMOS dynamic RAM |
MSU2031L16 | Low working voltage 16 MHz ROM less MCU |
Mosel Vitelic designs, manufactures, and markets dynamic RAMs (DRAMs), Flash and high-speed static RAMs (SRAMs) for world-wide markets. The Company provides DRAMs for specific applications, such as PC graphics, with unique performance attributes, including fast access time and memory organizations that are optimized for graphic acceleration applications. Mosel Vitelic was created by the merger of two private companies: Mosel (an SRAM and advanced logic product manufacturer) and Vitelic (a DRAM and Video RAM manufacturer), in December 1991. Both Mosel and Vitelic were founded in 1983, and the combined Company's revenue has been growing steadily, to $615M in 1999.