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Palavra-chave: Performance Semiconductor Datasheet, Performance Semiconductor Data, Performance Semiconductor Data Sheet, Performance Semiconductor Corp
Path:OKDatasheet > Catalog Datasheet > Performance Semiconductor Datasheet
Palavra-chave: Performance Semiconductor Datasheet, Performance Semiconductor Data, Performance Semiconductor Data Sheet, Performance Semiconductor Corp
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Performance Semiconductor site oficial
Nome do ítem | Aplicativo |
P4C1256-70DWM | 70 ns, static CMOS RAM, 32 K x 8 high speed |
P4C116-35LM | 35 ns,Static CMOS RAM, 2 K x 8 ultra high speed |
P4C1981-15DMB | 15 ns,static CMOS RAM, 16 K x 4 ultra high speed |
P4C163-35FMB | 35 ns,resettable static CMOS RAM, 8 K x 9 ultra high speed |
P4C1256-25L32M | 25 ns, static CMOS RAM, 32 K x 8 high speed |
P4C1682-25JC | 25 ns,static CMOS RAM, 4 K x 4 ultra high speed |
P4C164-8JC | 8 ns,static CMOS RAM, 8 K x 8 ultra high speed |
P4C187L-15LM | 15 ns,static CMOS RAM, 64 K x 1 ultra high speed |
P4C422-35FMB | 35 ns,static CMOS RAM, 256 x 4 ultra high speed |
P4C164-10PC | 10 ns,static CMOS RAM, 8 K x 8 ultra high speed |
P4C147-10PC | 10 ns,Static CMOS RAM, 4 K x 1 ultra high speed |
P4C163L-25LM | 25 ns,resettable static CMOS RAM, 8 K x 9 ultra high speed |
P4C1982L-20LMB | 20 ns,static CMOS RAM, 16 K x 4 ultra high speed |
P4C188-15PC | 15 ns,static CMOS RAM, 16 K x 4 ultra high speed |
P4C188-35LM | 35 ns,static CMOS RAM, 16 K x 4 ultra high speed |
P4C188L-45LM | 45 ns,static CMOS RAM, 16 K x 4 ultra high speed |
P4C164-20LM | 20 ns,static CMOS RAM, 8 K x 8 ultra high speed |
P4C169-12SC | 12 ns,static CMOS RAM, 4 K x 4 ultra high speed |
P4C1256-45L28MB | 45 ns, static CMOS RAM, 32 K x 8 high speed |
P4C163L-25FM | 25 ns,resettable static CMOS RAM, 8 K x 9 ultra high speed |
P4C147-35LMB | 35 ns,Static CMOS RAM, 4 K x 1 ultra high speed |
P4C1981L-15JC | 15 ns,static CMOS RAM, 16 K x 4 ultra high speed |
P4C150-15FM | 15 ns,resettable static CMOS RAM, 1 K x 4 ultra high speed |
P4C1024-20P3C | 20 ns, static CMOS RAM, 128 K x 8 high speed |
P4C188-15DMB | 15 ns,static CMOS RAM, 16 K x 4 ultra high speed |
P4C1982L-12JI | 12 ns,static CMOS RAM, 16 K x 4 ultra high speed |
P4C1256L-55SC | 55 ns, static CMOS RAM, 32 K x 8 high speed |
P4C174-20JC | 20 ns,cache TAG static RAM, 8 K x 8 high speed |
Performance Semiconductor is an integrated circuit manufacturer with focus on MIL-STD-883 compliant products, including a family of MIL-STD-1750A processors