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Palavra-chave: Raytheon Datasheet, Raytheon Data, Raytheon Data Sheet, Raytheon RF Components
Path:OKDatasheet > Catalog Datasheet > Raytheon Datasheet
Palavra-chave: Raytheon Datasheet, Raytheon Data, Raytheon Data Sheet, Raytheon RF Components
Para encontrar a ficha específica Raytheon RF Components, pesquisa okDatasheet por número de peça ou componente descrição. Você será presenteado com uma lista de todas as peças de correspondência com Raytheon fichas. Clique em qualquer componente electrónico listado para ver mais detalhes, incluindo quaisquer especificações.
Raytheon site oficial
Nome do ítem | Aplicativo |
RMPA1955-99 | 3V tri-band GSM/GPRS power amplifier MMIC |
RMPA61800 | Dual channel 6-18 GHz 2 Watt power amplifier MMIC |
RMPA61810 | Single channel 6-18 GHz 1 Watt power amplifier MMIC |
RMBA19500A-58 | 2 Watt GaAs MMIC power amplifier |
RMWT04001 | 4-12 GHz tripler MMIC |
RMWB24001 | 24 GHz buffer amplifier MMIC |
RMWL26001 | 21-26.5 GHz low noise amplifier MMIC |
RMPA2450-58 | 2.4-2.5 GHz GaAs power amplifier MMIC |
RMWP26001 | 24-26.5 GHz power amplifier MMIC |
RMWP23001 | 21-24 GHz power amplifier MMIC |
RMBA19500-58 | PCS 2 Watt linear GaAs MMIC power amplifier |
RMPA29000 | 27-30 GHz 1 Watt power amplifier MMIC |
RMM2080 | 2-18 GHz Wideband variable-gain driver amplifier |
RMWB04001 | 4 GHz buffer amplifier MMIC |
RMTR13390 | 13-39 GHz tripler MMIC |
RMLA3565A-58 | Wideband low noise MMIC amplifier |
RMPA1901-53 | PCS CDMA GaAs power amplifier MMIC |
RMWP38001 | 37-40 GHz power amplifier MMIC |
RMBA09500-58 | Cellular 2 Watt linear GaAs MMIC power amplifier |
RMPA2451B-58 | 2.4-2.5 GHz GaAs power amplifier MMIC |
RMLA00400 | 40 Gb/s transimpedance amplifier |
RMPA0953-103 | 3V cellular AMPS and CDMA power amplifier module |
RMPA2051-102 | 3V PCS WCDMA/CDMA 2000 power amplifier module |
RMPA2000-58 | 1.8-2 GHz GaAs power amplifier MMIC |
RMPA1902A-58 | PCS GaAs power amplifier MMIC |
RMWB12001 | 12 GHz buffer amplifier MMIC |
RMWB11001 | 11 GHz buffer amplifier MMIC |
RMWD24001 | 21-26.5 GHz driver amplifier MMIC |
Raytheon RF Components (RRFC), located in Andover, MA, was founded in 1984 and today we are providing our customers with leading-edge custom MMIC, Module and Multi-function solutions for defense and other performance driven applications. Since our inception, we have provided our customers with advanced technologies critical to their success, first with MESFET, followed by pHEMT, mHEMT, E/D-PHEMT, and now GaN.