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Palavra-chave: UMS Datasheet, UMS Data, UMS Data Sheet, United Monolithic Semiconductors
Path:OKDatasheet > Catalog Datasheet > UMS Datasheet
Palavra-chave: UMS Datasheet, UMS Data, UMS Data Sheet, United Monolithic Semiconductors
Para encontrar a ficha específica United Monolithic Semiconductors , pesquisa okDatasheet por número de peça ou componente descrição. Você será presenteado com uma lista de todas as peças de correspondência com UMS fichas. Clique em qualquer componente electrónico listado para ver mais detalhes, incluindo quaisquer especificações.
UMS site oficial
Nome do ítem | Aplicativo |
CHX1094-99F/00 | 12-36GHz frequency multiplier. |
CHA2098B99F/00 | 20-40GHz high gain buffer amplifier |
CHX2093A99FF/00 | 10-30GHz frequency multiplier |
CHX2092A-99F/00 | 10-40GHz frequency multiplier |
CHM1192 | K band mixer. |
CHR2296-99F/00 | 36-40GHz integrated down converter |
CHA2391-99F/00 | 36-40GHz very low noise amplifier |
CHR0100A | 5.8 GHz I/Q mixer. GaAs monolithic microwave IC. |
CHA5296-99F/00 | 27-30GHz high power amplifier. |
CHA2097A99F/00 | 20-40GHz variable gain amplifier |
CND2047-SNF/23 | 10GHz frequency divider by 4 fixed modulus prescaler. |
CHA2066-99F/00 | 10-16GHz low noise amplifier |
CHM1191 | K band mixer. |
CHM1290REF/24 | 20-30GHz sub-harmonically pumped mixer. |
CHA4092-99F/00 | 20-30GHz high power amplifier |
CHM2378A-99F/00 | W-band dual channel mixer |
CHT3091A-99F/00 | DC-40GHz attenuator |
CHV2242A-99F/00 | Q-band VCO based on Ku-band oscillator and Q-band multiplier |
CND2050-DAF/20 | 0.5-11.5 GHz divide by 4 static prescaler. |
CHA5297-99F/00 | 37-40GHz high power amplifier |
CHA5010B99F/00 | X band driver amplifier |
CHA2094B99F/00 | 36-40GHz low noise high gain amplifier |
CND2047-DAF/20 | 10GHz frequency divider by 4 fixed modulus prescaler. |
CHA5290-99F/00 | 17.7-24GHz medium power amplifier |
EC2612-99F/00 | 40GHz superlow noise PHEMT |
CHA2194-99F/00 | 36-44GHz low noise amplifier |
CHR2293-99F/00 | 20-24GHz integrated down converter |
CHA5390-99F | 24-30GHz medium power amplifier |
United Monolithic Semiconductors designs, produces and markets leading edge RF, microwave and millimetre wave components and components and integrated circuits (ICs) for the Telecom, Space, Defence, Automotive and ISM Industries. The company's strategy is to position itself as a "one-stop" supplier to the wireless microwave and millimetre-wave market, offering a broad range of standard and custom designed MMICs, along with an open foundry service. It has two production facilities, at Ulm in Germany, and Orsay in France, where the commercial headquarters and product design and development are also based.