Path:okDatasheet > Catalog Datasheet > Xicor Datasheet > Xicor-44

X25128S X76F041P X28C512JI-90 X28C64EMB-15 X28HC256PMB-12 X24001MM-3 X25166V14 X28C512KI-15 X22C12PMB X28C513JMB-90 X25F064PI-5 X9241WVM X28C64KM-25 X25168S14 X68257PI X28C64EMB-20 X28VC256FI-45 X28C513JI-20 X24C01PI X22C10SI X28VC256DMB-45 X25640S X28VC256E-70 X28HC256DMB-90 X2

Xicor Datasheets Catálogo-44

Nome do ítemFabricanteAplicativo
X24645S8 Xicor64K (8192 x 8bit) advanced 2-wire serial E2PROM with block lock protection
X20C05PI-45 Xicor4K (512 x 8 bit) high-speed autostore NOVRAM
X25128S Xicor128K (16K x 8bit) SPI serial E2PROM with block lock protection
X76F041P Xicor4K (4 x 128 x 8bit) PASS SecureFlash
X28C512JI-90 Xicor512K (64K x 8bit) 5 volt, byte alterable E2PROM
X28C64EMB-15 Xicor64K (8K x 8bit) 5 volt, byte alterable E2PROM
X28HC256PMB-12 Xicor256K (32K x 8bit) 5 volt, byte alterable E2PROM
X24001MM-3 Xicor128bit (16 x 8) identi PROM
X25166V14 XicorProgrammable watchdog timer w/serial E2PROM
X28C512KI-15 Xicor512K (64K x 8bit) 5 volt, byte alterable E2PROM
X22C12PMB Xicor1K (256 x 4) nonvolatile static RAM
X28C513JMB-90 Xicor512K (64K x 8bit) 5 volt, byte alterable E2PROM
X25F064PI-5 XicorSerialFlash memory with block lock protection
X9241WVM XicorQuad E2POT nonvolatile digital potentiometer
X28C64KM-25 Xicor64K (8K x 8bit) 5 volt, byte alterable E2PROM
X25168S14 XicorVcc supervisory circuit w/serial E2PROM
X68257PI Xicor256K (32726 x 8bit) E2 Micro-Peripheral
X28C64EMB-20 Xicor64K (8K x 8bit) 5 volt, byte alterable E2PROM
X28VC256FI-45 Xicor256K (32K x 8bit) 5 volt, byte alterable E2PROM
X28C513JI-20 Xicor512K (64K x 8bit) 5 volt, byte alterable E2PROM
X24C01PI Xicor1K (128 x 8bit) serial E2PROM
X22C10SI Xicor256 bit (64 x 8) nonvolatile static RAM
X28VC256DMB-45 Xicor256K (32K x 8bit) 5 volt, byte alterable E2PROM
X25640S Xicor64K (8K x 8bit) Advanced SPI serial E2PROM with block lock protection
X28VC256E-70 Xicor256K (32K x 8bit) 5 volt, byte alterable E2PROM
X28HC256DMB-90 Xicor256K (32K x 8bit) 5 volt, byte alterable E2PROM
X28HC256KMB-15 Xicor256K (32K x 8bit) 5 volt, byte alterable E2PROM
X9315WP XicorE2POT nonvolatile digital potentiometer
X24165PM Xicor16K (2048 x 8bit) advanced 2-wire serial E2PROM with block lock protection
X25F128PE Xicor128K (16K x 8bit) SerialFlash memory with block lock protection

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